Zachory Lane Rice

Zachory Lane Rice

Zachory Rice, age 21, passed away on May 14, 2023 in Natchitoches Louisiana. Zachory was born in DeRidder Louisiana on January 8, 2002 to Brian Rice and Tara Thomisee.

A lively and outgoing young man, Zachory was known by family and friends to be hardworking and always ready to lend a helping hand. Zachory loved working for what he got, even at an early age. He graduated High School early in 2019 and went to work constructing houses. He also did disaster cleanup after several major storms in 2021 and 2022. He went to Florida to help with the aftermath of hurricane Ian.

Zachory was a multi-talented young soul who enjoyed hunting, fishing and being around those he loved and cared about. If there was something that needed to be done, Zach would offer to help. Even in death, his final act was to give, as Zach was an organ donor. Zach was a kind and loving person that could make anyone laugh without even trying. While life is full of surprises, none of us that knew Zachory were surprised to see that he turned out to be such a great human being. Going forward, Zach would want everyone to celebrate his life and accomplishments. Zachory is cherished and will be missed by so many people. The love we have for him will carry over and he will be remembered always.

Zachory Lane Rice is survived by his father, Brian William Rice, his mother, Tara Thomisee, his mother Laken Danielle Craig, his older sister, Emily Rice, his younger brother Ethan Rice, his younger sisters Victoria and Olivia Rice, youngest brother Jeramiah Lawhorn, his nephew Benjamin McGraw, his paternal grandmother, Lisa Mulders, paternal grandfather Thomas Rice, his uncle Tyler Reed, uncle Nickolas Jose and aunt Sarah Jose, cousins Gabriel, Noah and Isabella Jose, aunt Crystal Stoner and cousin Alex Stoner and cousin Riley Reed.

“Words seem so feeble in moments like these. Life is so precious and death such a thief. The depth of our pain I cannot comprehend, but I’ll stand alongside you in the darkness my friend. Love is a bond that death cannot part. Gone from your arms but still held in your heart.”

-John Mark Green “And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

Romans 8:28

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