

Notes from an Old Bible

Why is the sin of hatred so dangerous?

Hate is the opposition of love. It is a force behind much of the outrageous actions people take against others, a process, oneself. The root of evil against God, His nature, and His will. People tend to cave into their fleshly desires whether intentionally or unintentionally when they set themselves against God. The Bible makes it clear that God is love. He is the source of love, the giver of life, and because of that love will continue into eternity since He is eternal!


Speaking Out for Louisiana Citizens

Speaking Out for Louisiana Citizens


It is no secret that Huey Long loved LSU football. Attending the football games was a way to associate himself with one of the state’s more popular pastimes and an excuse to highlight the cultural common ground he shared with Louisiana residents, even those who opposed him. He knew that many football players would become community leaders. Bonding with these young men was good politics in Louisiana.

Huey led the LSU band many times at the games and sat on the bench, sometimes running up and down the side of the field. He loved the publicity and also he knew this was good politics beyond the state. Now a book about Huey is out by Robert Mann.


. . . . Senator Greg Tarver expresses concerns after Ochsner announces layoffs for nearly 800 people.

. . . . The U.S. Election Assistant Commission announced the Louisiana’s 2022 “I Voted” painting won its annual award for creative and original designs.


Notes from an Old Bible

The doctrine of the Trinity is foundational to the Christian faith. It is crucial for properly understanding what God is like, how He relates to us, and how we should relate to Him. You say: “How can God be both one and three?”

The doctrine of the Trinity means that there is one God who eternally exists as three distinct Persons. God is one in essence and three in person. Three truths are 1-the Father, Son, Holy Spirit are 3 distinct persons, 2- each Person is fully God, 3-there is only one God.


Social Security Matters

by National Social Security Advisor at the AMAC Foundation, the non-profit arm of the Association of Mature American Citizens

Ask Rusty – I’m Concerned About Social Security Solvency


Speaking Out for Louisiana Citizens

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As of this writing, the budget is in the hands of the Revenue & Estimating Committee to decide if they will spend or save it. Senate President Page Cortez wants to spend some for roads, bridges, coastal work and more and the Governor is for it also. My prediction is that they will save some and spend some. Follow the news.



Should your employer know about domestic violence issues?

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While domestic violence is very often a private concern, there are many ways it can impact your performance at work. It may result in noticeable physical and emotional signs such as reduced productivity and excess absences. The perpetrator may even call or show up at your workplace and create a dangerous situation. Because of this, it may be necessary and even helpful to talk to your employer about the problem. Here is why you should let your employer know about domestic violence issues.

Do I Tell My Boss About My Family Issues?

An employer is responsible for your safety while at work and should be there to help. Talking to your boss may help prevent you from resigning or being fired because your work has suffered. Ask for a private meeting with your boss or Human Resources manager and be open about the problem and how it may affect your work. Also, discuss what you might need, such as time off or flexibility.

How Can My Employer Help?


Stand and salute the class of 2023

This is the time of year when our young men and women walk across the stage to collect their diplomas before commencing the next adventure of their life, which may look different for each student. Some may go to college or a technical school, some will go straight to the workforce and still others have another path.

When you attend graduations of your children and students, who eagerly wait to hear their names called, I want you to know that there are a few select students in the crowd who deserve special recognition.

These are the students who chose to join the less than 1 percent of Americans who serve in our Nation’s military. The numbers of those who serve are few because the standards for entry are high. Only 29 percent of young Americans exceed the Army’s entry standards. As the commander responsible for all Army recruiting in Louisiana, Mississippi, and western Tennessee, I assure you that the Army of the future requires highly qualified volunteers.


Social Security Matters

by National Social Security Advisor at the AMAC Foundation, the non-profit arm of the Association of Mature American Citizens

Ask Rusty – Should Octogenarians Tell Social Security They Married?

Dear Rusty: We were married two years ago at age 78 and 81. Do we need to do anything with Social Security? Signed: Blissfully Happy Dear Blissfully Happy: Congratulations on your fairly recent marriage and, yes, there are some things you should do. Specifically, you should contact Social Security to inform them of your marriage, see whether any additional benefits are available, and to make any changes needed to your contact information. Here are some things to consider:

• If a name change has occurred for one of you, that person should contact Social Security to report the change. A copy of your marriage certificate (and other ID) will be required, and a new Social Security card will be issued.


Speaking Out for Louisiana Citizens

Speaking Out for Louisiana Citizens

( Newsworthy Articles and My Opinion) SCARY REPORT

The US News & World has recently issued its best/worst states report. Again, Louisiana was listed as the worst or among the worst states in key quality of life areas. Another recent report by Wallethub, also included Louisiana as the worst state in America for working mothers, showing moms here are shortchanged on everything from pay to childcare.

The report showed (1) Louisiana has 639 violent crimes per 100,000 people while the national average is 399 per 100,0000 people; (2) the release of toxins per square mile being more than the national average; (3) Louisiana has 3,670 preventable hospital admissions per 100,000 compared to the national average of 2,781; and, (4) a quarter of Louisiana roads are in poor condition compared to 19% nationally.


When Domestic Violence Comes Too The Work Place

When Domestic Violence Comes Too The Work Place

The pervasiveness and severity of domestic violence impacting the workplace demands the attention of employers, managers, human resources and security staff, experts agreed.


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