

Notes from an Old Bible

As I said in the last article, I want to take each of the miraculous events during the crucifixion and expound on each one, because this was not just an ordinary day it was the most important day in history. This was the day that changed everything. Jesus died on the cross for you and me. There was no other way for the door to be opened for us to have a relationship with God, but by the forgiveness of our own sin, through Christ’s payment on our behalf. A day of miracles!


Speaking Out for Louisiana Citizens

Speaking Out for Louisiana Citizens

( Newsworthy Articles and My Opinion)


President Biden recently announced that he would permit to freeze the new liquefied natural gas export projects. This would severally hurt Louisiana and the United States. Apparently the political left, which he seems to listen to, demanded this and he went along with it. The progressives are celebrating because they know this will shrink investment in liquefied natural gas. We need to remember these actions as we make decisions for president. The Democrats do not seem to have Louisiana in their hearts with these decisions and we need to stand up and recognize what they are trying to do with these decisions that will hurt our state tremendously.


Social Security Matters

by National Social Security Advisor at the AMAC Foundation, the non-profit arm of the Association of Mature American Citizens


Notes from an Old Bible

The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, Son of God, is the most important event in the history of our world. All four Gospels record the events before and after His death. Each giving different details for instant Matthew’s account mentions the earthquakes, and the resurrected saints. Mark states the time of the crucifixion, Luke account is the words Jesus spoke to the women who were mourning and the criminals rebuke of the other, women preparing spices and ointments. John’s is the only one who mentions that the legs be broken and the soldiers piercing of the side. All four Gospels conclude with Jesus’ arrest, trial at the Sanhedrin, trial at Pilate’s court, flogging, condemned to death, carrying of the cross, entombed, resurrection. In each Gospel these events were treated with more detail.


Speaking Out for Louisiana Citizens

Speaking Out for Louisiana Citizens

RECENT DEVELOPMENTS Looking around, it is hard to believe the things that have developed. The recent decision by a New York Court against Donald Trump is unbelievable. No one was hurt or lost any money and the decision is ridiculous. When I was involved with bank financing, the bank does what is called “due diligence” and they verify all information and appraisals and get satisfied with values. It is plain that the government is against Trump and they do not want him in Washington. They want a politician or someone who is going to play the game. After serving one term, Trump knows who is a snake and does not mind to say who they are. How does Trump sleep at night and work as hard as he does with all the pressure and indictments that’s been brought against him. The pressure must be overwhelming at times. They’re lining up as hard as they can to keep him out of Washington.


PCI reminds of Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

PCI reminds of Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

The month of February is TDVAM across the nation. I have spoken to many teens about dating and healthy relationships and we all look at things different. Dating is different for all of us but what we all need to look for is “Red Flags” and “Green Flags”. This all looks the same in a relationship. Here is a list of both.


Speaking Out for Louisiana Citizens

Speaking Out for Louisiana Citizens


It is terrible to be faced with dementia and we all might face this someday. But, I dare say that we won’t have the responsibility of being president of the United States and be responsible for 330 million people. Apparently , the progressive fanatics do not really care as long as their man leads our nation. We have a big problem in the U.S. as we finish out his term. We’ve all heard his comments and many do not even make sense. Such as we have two parties, the red and the green. Or, mix up Mexico and Egypt. It goes on and on. And, world leaders know this.


Notes from an Old Bible

Webster’s dictionary describes Eternity as; “Continuance without end. Infinite time, without beginning or end.” That’s a hard question to wake up to at night with this on your mind! I guess, I’m getting to that age when my body says I don’t need all those hours of sleep, but my mind still keeps wandering racing to find answers. How long is eternity and how long is forever?


Speaking Out for Louisiana Citizens

Speaking Out for Louisiana Citizens

( Newsworthy Articles and My Opinion)


In a few days, Mitch McConnell will be 82 years old and it is time for him to go. The Senate Minority Leader is out of touch with Republican voters and is doing his party serious damage. He recently got behind the clumsy border bill, which quickly blew up in Congress because it really did not solve anything and which most of his party did not want.

Recently, Kate Steinle was killed by a criminal migrant who was deported five times before he took her life. A bill was drawn up which would have incarcerated any foreign national who defied deportation for five years, McConnell refused to put it up for stand-alone vote, so it died.

If republican senators don’t remove him from a leadership position, the party will continue to suffer. Right now, according to the polls. Americans have a poor opinion of the GOP



Notes from an Old Bible

There is a period of time, that will happen on the earth, which is known as the Great Tribulation. This will be after the Rapture, an event when Jesus comes to collect all Christian believers who belong to Him, those that are alive will be transported from earthly state to an eternal state. They will not experience death. Those that are dead in Christ will be resurrected and given their glorified bodies. The Great Tribulation will be a time of horror and judgment upon the earth that will be unmatched by any other time in human history. While the Tribulation will last for a full 7-year Jeremiah calls the second half “The Time of Jacobs Trouble.” John calls it “The Great Tribulation” The book of Revelations describes the events that will take place during this time. Man’s dominion over the earth will be seized by Satan. One of the things mentioned are the seven trumpets. What are they?


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